Monday, January 3, 2011

Dysmenorrhea Treatment May Really Help You

Dysmenorrhea treatment may really help you if you suffer from this painful and unpleasant condition. Many women experience a feeling of pain just before their period. There are two kinds of this condition that can be experienced which are primary and secondary. Which ever condition you suffer from it can be quite debilitating and disruptive every month.
If you suffer from the primary kind then you may well have severe cramps, nausea and possibly backache. Additional symptoms may include diarrhea and headaches. This kind is common in younger women and can begin a couple of years after the periods start. The symptoms will generally last two or more days each month.
The other type is the secondary type and this can be a symptom of other medical problems. It can be a symptom of pelvic inflammatory disease or of endometriosis. There is a chance it may also because by pelvic tumours or uterine fibroids. This is a condition that is generally found in older women.
The cramps felt during a menstrual cycle can be quite strong and painful as they are caused by the uterine muscles contracting. They are caused by especially strong spasms the cut off the blood flow temporarily which deprives the muscles of oxygen causing the pain. But the whole purpose of menstrual cramps is to help eliminate the menstrual discharge.
Some women may find taking natural medicine an extremely effective way of dealing with this problem as it can help relieve the pain from strong cramps. These natural medicines can be much better than over-the-counter painkillers as they help to deal with the actual cause and do not just mask the symptoms. They may also contain additional ingredients which are anti-inflammatory and also relieve the pain.
One of the ways in which natural alternatives can work is by improving the muscle tone of the uterus. This has the effect of lessening the cramps. They may also help to address any imbalance in the female hormones as this can also affect the contractions of the uterus. Other symptoms that they deal with include nausea and backache.
It is far better to use a herbal product that contains natural ingredients rather than continually relying on drugs. A good product will use a combination of homoeopathic and herbal Ayurvedic ingredients. This condition can affect up to 75% of women at some stage in their lives. Although it will ease as they age about 5% will suffer incapacitating pain.
This condition may be quite tricky to diagnose. It can be partially diagnosed through a pelvic examination and taking down medical history. However it may be necessary to use other techniques such as laparoscopy and ultrasound. If the patient is discovered to be suffering from endometriosis then it may be necessary for them to receive other treatment.
The treatment will depend on the woman's age and whether or not she has children. In some cases a hysterectomy may be the best course of action. In other cases natural remedies combined with conservative treatment may work. Another alternative is to try a psychoacoustic technology which works on the subconscious mind. It works by sending subliminal messages which influence your brain to release natural painkillers. It does this by employing two different kinds of techniques through the use of sound waves and also ultrasonic. It is a very holistic way of treating the problem and is very non-invasive. It helps by working on your subconscious mind in a natural and gentle manner. Dysmenorrhea treatment need not consist of just drugs.

The Ovarian Cycle

Each month in a woman's reproductive years an egg develops in one of the ovaries and is released to potentially be fertilized and reproduce. So how does this happen and how is it regulated?
The stimulation to the ovary comes from the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a small peanut sized gland that is attached to the bottom of the brain, and is housed in a thin-walled bony part of the skull called the sella tursica.
Each month the hypothalamus, the part of the lower brain that regulates pituitary function, senses that there is no pregnancy, and stimulates the pituitary to release a hormone called follicle stimulating hormone, or FSH. The FSH stimulates several germ cells in the ovaries to start to develop. Over a few day's time one of these developing eggs becomes dominant and the others stop developing and atrophy. The dominant follicle becomes larger and about 14-16 days from the prior menses beginning the pituitary produces a surge of a different hormone called luteinizing hormone or LH. The LH surge stimulates the ovary to release the egg, and for the remaining cells of the follicle the egg was released from to further develop into what is called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces progesterone. The progesterone causes the lining of the uterus to mature and become able to support a fertilized egg.
If the egg is fertilized and successfully implants in the uterus the developing embryo produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin which stimulates the corpus luteum to continue to develop and produce progesterone. If no pregnancy occurs, without the HCG feedback the ovary stops producing progesterone after about 12-14 days, and without the progesterone support the lining of the uterus starts to be shed, resulting in the monthly menstrual bleeding. This bleeding lasts for 3-8 days in most women. On about the first day of bleeding, the hypothalamus recognizes that the progesterone levels have dropped, and that no pregnancy has occurred, and it again stimulates the pituitary to release FSH, starting a new cycle.
This cycle repeats itself until a pregnancy develops, the ovary fails to respond in menopause, or artificial hormone intervention like birth control pills are used.

What Causes Vaginal Odor - Number One Cause of Vagina Smell In Most Women

Vaginal odor is an issue that a lot of women learn to live with rather than solve it. If you manage to understand what causes vaginal odor it is fairly simple to prevent it. In my case it came to a point where my self-esteem was at its lowest thanks to my smell "down" there. There was no way to get intimate with my partner because of the fear of the odor seeping through and getting noticed. Even in public places like the elevator I was constantly concerned just in case someone caught my smell. Finally I decided enough was enough. There was no way I could let my vagina smell could control my life.
Without wasting much time I did some research on my own on the modern day wonder - the Internet. What I found was that in majority of women bacterial vaginosis happens to be the number one cause of the smell. When you suffer from this infection you will have kind of fishy odor accompanied by a whitish grey vaginal discharge and vaginal itching.

To avoid this infection there are a few things to bear in mind
a)The most common cause of BV is not wiping in the right direction. After you use the washroom always wipe front to back to prevent the e-coli bacteria present naturally in the rectum from entering the vagina.
b)Another popular cause of getting this infection is wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics and tight fit clothes. To let the vagina breathe and keep it dry you must wear cotton underwear and loose fit clothes like skirts instead of jeans and trousers.
c)Vaginal douching and/or making use of scented sprays should be avoided at all times, especially when you are suffering from vaginal odor. Douches or sprays tend to disrupt the natural pH balance of your vagina and worsen the infection.
d)The use of unscented soap daily is the best hygiene practice.
e)Avoid bubble baths and always dry your vaginal area by gently patting with a clean cotton towel after the wash.
f)Avoid scented toilet tissue, tampons and sanitary napkins and are not recommended. Make sure you change your sanitary protection at regular intervals even if your flow is light.
Take a close look at your personal habits to exactly figure out what causes vaginal odor personally for you. Once you figure this aspect out take preventive measures to keep the vagina smell at bay.