Friday, December 31, 2010

Dating Tip: Keep a Guy's Interest!

"Why isn't she with you?"
"She left."
"There were so many reasons."
"There were not so many reasons. There was only one. You made yourself too available."
The characters in this scenario are men, but women often make
themselves too available in relationships, as well. The consequences are usually disastrous.
Hey, we tell ourselves, I like the guy. He might be the one! Can't let him slip through my fingers! So, we stay home and wedge the last bit of peanut butter from the jar for dinner. Can't run out for real food and risk missing his call!
When he does call, we move heaven and earth to hang out with him. So what if we had plans to go out with friends on Friday night? Cancel! So what if we had a dentist appointment when he called at the last minute about having football tickets. Cancel! Hey, these things aren't important, right?
When you cancel prior agreements to be with a guy, you're pretty much canceling your life. Deep down, you don't feel good about it (your friends and dentist don't feel good about it, either). You're also telling the guy that you can't live without him.
And that lowers your stock.
Let's turn the tables: Would you really want some a guy who cancels plans with his friends to be with you? Who calls you three times a day? Who treats you like you're his one and only shot at happiness?
No, you wouldn't. Regardless of his education, salary, sense of humor, and great looks, you'd stop respecting him. Any attraction you once felt for him would die a quick and sudden death.
You'd dump him and look for a guy who has a life.
Now, don't misunderstand me. I don't advocate playing games. If a man calls you, you answer the phone. If he leaves a message, you call him back. But if he calls you at 7:30PM on Friday to go to a football game on Saturday, I'd think twice about it.
In other words, don't let yourself be taken for granted.
My mother told me of a rule she had when she was dating: She'd never say yes to a date for a weekend unless the guy asked her before Thursday. She explained that a man would figure she didn't have much going on if she didn't have plans by then. When she told me this, I thought it sounded contrived and stupid. But, as in most things, it turns out she was right.
Remember this: Everybody, man or woman, likes to win a prize. Being available, but not too-available, makes you a prize.
As time goes on and your relationship with a guy becomes serious, it's important to keep up your hobbies, continue to see your friends, and do all the things that make you who you are --things that don't necessarily include him.
It makes you attractive. What's more, you'll like yourself more for it. Women who like themselves are especially desirable, sexy, and fun to be around.
Be that woman.

Interesting Facts About Bras

Are you looking for a fitting "arm protector?" Does this phrase sound strange? Arm protectors or braziers are sexy lingerie that was also called as chest plate or suit of armor in olden times. This sexy lingerie also took its different forms such as "falsies" and "lemon bosoms."
During the late Greek and Roman period, woman wrapped cloth tightly around their bust to make it look flat. Lingerie, in the medieval times, was too restricting and uncomfortable for women. In 1913, Mary Phelps Jacobs first invented the "backless brazier" and called it the "Caresse Crosby." With the women's liberation movement, along with years, innovations and creativity, the brassiere has now developed into sexy intimate apparel. Today, this sexy garment has become a sign
If you want to buy a bra, you can choose from a variety of models, designs, patterns, and styles. Sexy lingerie and sexy plus size lingerie is available in abundance everywhere in all cup sizes from A to M.
If you want to know which style would suit you best, you should know the different styles of sexy lingerie and sexy plus size lingerie available in the market. Some of the latest plus size bra styles are:
Fashion bra
Support bra
Strapless Bras
Minimizer Bras
Demi Bras
Maternity Bras
Nursing Bras
Different styles of bra cups include soft cup, fashion, embroidered and stretch lace bras. If you want to buy sexy lingerie in the latest styles, many online stores holds a tremendous collection of bras.

Womens Medical Info - Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation

Although history has painted a picture of the man as being more of the sexual aggressor, the sexual experience is just as important to a female. This is part of the reason why women's interest magazines have numerous articles about how a woman can enhance the pleasure of her sexual experience.
Various advancements in medical technology have also provided procedures for such a purpose, such as vaginal laser rejuvenation. Some, if not most, women will react with a shocked sort of curiosity that such a procedure is available. But, indeed vaginal laser rejuvenation is, and it is one that was not designed to be entirely cosmetic either.
For example, if a woman has had a couple of children via natural childbirth, then the chances are good that her vaginal muscles have been stretched. While some kinds of exercises can strengthen these muscles again, other women find it difficult to tone these muscles. The result is sometimes incontinence because the vaginal wall presses up against the bladder muscles, as well as decreased sexual pleasure.
Using the precision of laser technology, the doctor performing the laser vaginal rejuvenation uses the lasers to make small incisions. Then, the doctor proceeds to tighten the muscles. Although laser vaginal rejuvenation is a minimally invasive procedure, after it has been completed, it is important to note that in order to let the vagina heal, sexual intercourse will need to be avoided for about six weeks. As for oral sex, that can generally be resumed earlier than that, at about four weeks

Yours Truly - A Woman's Best Friend

For those suffering from bouts of loneliness and the lack of confidants to share their innermost thoughts and sorrows with Yours Magazine may be just the friend you need. The magazine offers an excellent platform to its many readers to freely discuss issues that may bother them or overwhelm them and leave them feeling unwanted and helpless. Here practical experiences are highlighted with a view to guiding those who may be in need of it.
What the Yours Magazine deals with:
  1. Any issue where you can give and get valuable advice from a forum where many experts give their invaluable opinions.
  2. Answers to queries made by other readers or chatting freely with other users on any topic of interest to both.
  3. Searching for ideal holiday packages and participating in many competitions sponsored by the magazine.
  4. Shopping for a great variety of products and services.
  5. Health tips and beauty tips to keep you looking fit and young
  6. Latest fashion trends and fashion tips that can make you look elegant yet trendy.
  7. Celebrity interviews and fascinating tales of their lives from which you can draw an inspiration
  8. Miscellaneous games like crosswords and puzzles to keep you busy.
  9. Recipes for the lovers of food and cooking.
  10. Relationship issues like those involving spouses, children or grandchildren.
  11. Home décor and gardening tips.
  12. Financial issues, real estate news, market analysis etc.
Almost all women's magazines cater to the aforementioned things but what distinguishes the Yours Magazine from the rest is its treatment of those. It is visibly more matured and caters to the age group of women after 50 who perhaps are dealing with mid life crises and need a forum as this to help them interact with others going through similar phases in their lives.
Subscription to Yours magazine is relatively simple and the magazine gives you the advantage of free home delivery together with three novels that are hot-sellers. Gifts are available within 4 weeks from the date of registration. International rates for subscribing to the Yours Magazine are 75 pounds a year in Europe and the U.S. covering a total of 26 issues. In case you do not wish to continue with the subscriptions you are free to cancel your registration. The success of any magazine depends on how well it is able to feel the pulse of its readers and very often those magazines that start out with a bag soon seem to lose their focus. Readers then tend to lose interest and look for better reads. The Yours Magazine however score above the rest in this respect because it has always strived to bring forth topics of interest to its readers and not those stories that will sell because of scandals. Stories of real women feature on its cover making it a magazine with which the women of today can identify with.