Monday, December 20, 2010

Women's Self Defense - 3 Things Every Woman Must Know About Defending Against a Male Attacker

Are you serious about learning women's self defense? Do you want to make sure that what you're learning will actually work? Well, you're not alone.
In fact, most of the women that I encounter - even those who have taken some form of martial arts or self defense training for women - are concerned that what they have seen, heard, or learned...won't work! And, truth be told - they're right!
Contrary to popular belief, not everything being offered for women's self defense, will work against a bigger, heavier, and stronger male attacker - especially one who's trying to beat, break, or kills you!
Now, I know that this is strong language. In fact, most women who have seen this article have skimmed right past it because they don't want to think about this subject. They'd rather live in denial, ignorance, or with delusional thinking.
But, since you are here, reading this article right now, I can assume that you want to know all you can about this important area of your life. Yes?
So, here are 3 of the things that you must know about defending yourself against a male attacker.
  1. You will probably be outgunned. What I mean is that, your attacker will probably be bigger and stronger than you are. This is true, not just with regards to women's self defense, but in self defense in general. You will have to fight smarter - not harder, if you really want to survive the encounter.
  2. You will have to contradict prior programming. And I don't mean other self defense lessons you've received. What I'm talking about is all the programming and life lessons that you've had since childhood, about how a lady should not fight or physically hurt people. You might even have to fight feelings of guilt, shame, and even love - if your attacker is someone that you care about! This one thing could be more dangerous and damaging to your self defense, then the fact that he is attacking you!
  3. You must pre-plan. While there are an infinite number of ways that someone could attack you, there are only a few strategies that these attacks fall into. And, the better prepared you are to deal with those things that you are most likely to encounter, the greater your chance of surviving with little to no damage. This is what training is for, and why it's vitally important that you find a teacher - a mentor - who has both the knowledge and experience to lead you through those areas of training that you MUST know to survive.
There are other important lessons that you must have, and you must learn them from someone who has real world experience - not just in self defense or fighting - but who understands what it's like being the smaller, weaker, underdog, and still being able to effectively, efficiently, and confidently win anyway!

High Heel Shoes Make Women Feel Sexy

Wearing high heel shoes can no doubt make a woman look and feel sexier. These shoes have been around for so long, but they have never, ever fell out of style. If you are a man, then there's no doubt that you love these shoes. Not for wearing of course, but for seeing your ladies wear it. If you are a woman, though, then there's no doubt that you don't love high heel shoes as much as men do. Although we love to look sexy, wearing these shoes for a long time can be such a pain. Since they make you put your weight in the front, the toes and calf muscles can get sore from carrying all the weight.

Wearing high heel shoes, especially the stiletto type can no doubt add a sense of taste and style for your outfit, but remember to be extra careful when doing so. These types of shoes are not recommended for slippery floors as well as any soft grounds. Wearing these shoes in such places can be dangerous, as you can't keep your balance very well. Although high heel shoes make a woman taller, this also means that falling while wearing them can hurt more. You might also have a problem standing up once you've fallen, since these shoes are not very stable.
If you know that you'll have to run around or be in a hurry at some point in a day, then remember never to wear these shoes. If you've ever tried running around in a tiptoe, then you understand what I meant. Wearing these shoes for running around are not only extremely uncomfortable, they will make you go slow as well. You can never make big strides when wearing high heel shoes, so there's no sense running around in them.

Wearing high heels makes you push out your chest and push your buttocks backward, which makes you have a very good posture. This is very sexy to look in a woman, although you have to be careful if this is not your natural posture. Keeping your back this way for several hours may eventually lead to strain, which could hurt your back. They could also hurt your leg, since they will be carrying all the weight.

Since high heels shoes can be extremely uncomfortable, I suggest that you only use your stilettos for formal occasions. Since you might be staying in the venue for several hours, you might do well to bring an extra pair of low-heeled shoes. You can opt to wear them once you sit down or when you go dancing. Just remember to bring shoes that are of almost the same color, so guests won't realize that you have already changed into something more comfortable.

Showing Your Bra

Ladies, be honest, do you sometimes like to show your bra a little? It happens. I do not intentionally draw attention to it, but if it peeks out I certainly do not recoil and wither in shame. Americans (especially older ones) are still rather puritanical. There is nothing wrong with flesh or the "undergarments" that cover it. I definitely do not mind catching glimpses of it or feel ashamed if others glimpse mine. As for what guys think or like or prefer and what they may or may not be looking at or thinking, I really could not care less.
It is not (always) a matter of "advertising". Take a moment to consider that some females do not dress with the idea of impressing or attracting you or any other man they may pass on the street. Some females are actually individualists with likes and dislikes of their very own that even carry over into the way that they dress.
They may dress in a way that pleases them without any care to how others may perceive them. I notice a lot that people are so preoccupied with "personal freedom" that they refuse to accept that some things are an expression of personality but all needs to stay within some sort of boundaries and perspective. Rules are not as rigid anymore as they once were, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any left.While we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, I can tell by some book covers that it would be a book I am not interested in even leafing through. And a colorful crazy book will never be looked at the same way an expensive leather-bound one, as the exterior usually is matched to the content. Cheap crazy cover, cheap crazy content. Like it or not, it is what it is. I always say that there is a time and place for everything. There is a time for showing your bra straps in your bedroom when things get heated, I am sure, but not in a business setting. You wouldn't show up to a funeral in your bikini, even if the weather was hot, would you? What makes that rule more applicable than any other that makes sense? You can say it is out of respect. Well, it works both ways.

Organic Skincare - The Perfect Choice for The Modern Woman

The role of women in our society has changed considerably over the last decade. Women are far more prominent in business and politics than ever before and women play a very important part in shaping the future of this world. The choices that a modern woman makes embodies her believes, morals and viewpoints. The clothes that a woman wears, makeup and cosmetics that she uses and the way in which she takes care of her body does say a lot about her. With this in mind this article will take a closer look at organic skincare products and what it says about the woman that wears them.
What Do Modern Women Care About?
• They care about what they put on their skin.
• They care about the environment.
• Sustainability and providing a future for their kids is a priority.
• They are against cruelty against animals.
• Long term health benefits are important to them.
• They want to look naturally beautiful.
• They believe in setting examples that others can follow.

Organic skincare products have come a long way and there are a whole range of well known and respected brands and products to choose from. The modern woman wants to look beautiful without endangering her health or impacting negatively on the environment. Organic beauty products are the perfect fit for the modern woman and more women are switching over to organic products daily. Some Hollywood stars have publicly endorsed organic beauty products and some of the products have even been showcased on Oprah.

Why are Organic Skincare Products a Perfect Fit?
• They contain only naturally occurring organic ingredients.
• The products are safe to use for all ages and skin types.
• The products are environmentally friendly and biodegradable.
• Minerals and vitamins contained within these products feed and protect the skin.
• The majority of the manufacturers do not test the products on animals.
• Products are available in most stores selling cosmetics and can also be bought via online cosmetic web stores.
• Most of the well known and trusted brands are certified as organic.
• The products are reasonably priced and cost just as much (if not less than) similar non-organic products.

Positive results are achieved by using organic skincare products and users of these products proclaim that their skin obtains a healthy look and that skin irritations are a thing of the past. It is very important for women to set an example in the times that we live in and switching over to organic skincare products is a good start. The sales of organic beauty products have increased drastically over the last couple of years and organic products are freely available. You have most probably already changed over to organic food products, so why not change your cosmetics?

Why Stylish Perfume Is Important to a Woman

A stylish perfume is indispensable to a woman, if she wants her outfit to make an impression. A good perfume spells out that you are a sophisticated woman, probably much more than you are. Good perfumes will increase your ratings before men. Generally, it is observed that all women who like perfumes have their own favorite aromas for all types of events that they wish to smell good at. At the same time, wearing the same perfume everyday will kill the fun of it. You can churn out new scents by trying any of these popular perfumes for the women.
To begin with you can try the scent from Sara Jessica Parker; Lovely. The good thing about lovely is that it is among the most timeless perfumes you will find. Top that up with another of Armani's greatest, Aqua di Gio. When it comes to fashion, Armani is more than a signboard company which only tells you what the latest trend is. Armani is widely renowned for making nice perfumes for both sexes.

You cannot possibly talk about Armani and not mention the Armani Code. Armani Code is a genius gift to give your mother, your fashion conscious sister or why not spoil yourself too? You will not find a better blend of ginger, wood and honey aroma in one piece.

If you love complements and attention, Attractio by Lacome is the way to go. It is an excellent choice that will make you the envy of your friends. Euphoria will also go heaps and bounds to get you a Luxurious touch in the scents you wear. It is popular for its versatile ability, allowing you to wear it to different occasions with different outfits. It is in the same league with Flower Princess, by Vera Wang. If you are mature, you will like Eternity and for the young, run and grab Curve kicks from Liz Claiborne.

On a final word, Opium is the perfume you would want to be wearing if you know you are the trendy, chic yet energetic woman of today. Have a bottle of Touch of Pink is you want to assert your energetic personality. The above are just a tip of the iceberg. There are many choices you can make. However, if you want to strike the chords right, it is inherent that you have the right details about what sort of personality you are and make a pick that flirters you.

Simple Beauty Tips for a Busy Woman

Being beautiful is not difficult. All women deserve to look gorgeous and fascinating. There are many ways to be beautiful. Rather than going to salon and having expensive treatment, you can apply natural methods. Natural beauty treatment will ease you in maintaining your appearance. Here are some tips for busy women who don't have enough time to visit salon and want to do the treatment at home.
Consuming healthy food will help you to have overall body health. You must eat fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water, and avoid any junk food as well as alcohol and tobacco. In order to keep your body moisturized, you should apply moisturizer to your skin after bath. Then, anytime you go outside, use sunscreen lotion to cover your skin from the sun. Furthermore, you may have to do regular manicures and pedicures to keep your feet and hands soft.

It is recommended to wash your hair twice a week in order to prevent dandruff on your scalp. Do not forget to apply conditioners that will make your hair soft and manageable. When you decide to cut your hair, choose a hairstyle that match your face shape. It will make you look more trendy, fashionable, and beautiful as well. Just ensure that you always comb your hair whenever necessary, so you will not look messy.

Daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing are important to keep your facial skin soft. Select the product that appropriate for your skin type. To prevent any sun ray, you may have to apply sunscreen on your face whenever you go out of your house. For your lips, just put on lip balm to keep the lips moistened. If you need extra treatment, you should go to beauty salon to get facial treatment once or twice a month.

Those are several basic and standard beauty treatments that you can do at home. Try to follow those tips and keep your beauty magnetize all people who look at you. Besides that method, the most important thing to look gorgeous is your inner beauty. Always think positively and do positive activities that will change you into an adorable woman.