In fact, most of the women that I encounter - even those who have taken some form of martial arts or self defense training for women - are concerned that what they have seen, heard, or learned...won't work! And, truth be told - they're right!
Contrary to popular belief, not everything being offered for women's self defense, will work against a bigger, heavier, and stronger male attacker - especially one who's trying to beat, break, or kills you!
Now, I know that this is strong language. In fact, most women who have seen this article have skimmed right past it because they don't want to think about this subject. They'd rather live in denial, ignorance, or with delusional thinking.
But, since you are here, reading this article right now, I can assume that you want to know all you can about this important area of your life. Yes?
So, here are 3 of the things that you must know about defending yourself against a male attacker.
- You will probably be outgunned. What I mean is that, your attacker will probably be bigger and stronger than you are. This is true, not just with regards to women's self defense, but in self defense in general. You will have to fight smarter - not harder, if you really want to survive the encounter.
- You will have to contradict prior programming. And I don't mean other self defense lessons you've received. What I'm talking about is all the programming and life lessons that you've had since childhood, about how a lady should not fight or physically hurt people. You might even have to fight feelings of guilt, shame, and even love - if your attacker is someone that you care about! This one thing could be more dangerous and damaging to your self defense, then the fact that he is attacking you!
- You must pre-plan. While there are an infinite number of ways that someone could attack you, there are only a few strategies that these attacks fall into. And, the better prepared you are to deal with those things that you are most likely to encounter, the greater your chance of surviving with little to no damage. This is what training is for, and why it's vitally important that you find a teacher - a mentor - who has both the knowledge and experience to lead you through those areas of training that you MUST know to survive.
There are other important lessons that you must have, and you must learn them from someone who has real world experience - not just in self defense or fighting - but who understands what it's like being the smaller, weaker, underdog, and still being able to effectively, efficiently, and confidently win anyway!
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